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Apple Settles Copyright Lawsuit with Corellium After Four-Year Legal Battle

Jonathan Wong

Jonathan Wong

03 January 2024

After a four-year legal battle, Apple and cyber startup Corellium have reached a settlement in the copyright lawsuit over Corellium's virtual iPhone software. The lawsuit, initiated by Apple in 2019, alleged illegal cloning of iPhones by Corellium, violating the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Apple sought product cessation and reimbursement for lost revenue. Despite a dismissed appeal in 2021, the court ruled in April that Corellium's actions fell under fair use. Unexpected details, including Apple's previous attempt to acquire Corellium, emerged during the legal proceedings.

The settlement follows debates over copyright infringement and Apple's alleged hindrance to legitimate security research. Both companies are finalizing terms, concluding a contentious legal saga that has spanned multiple accusations and appeals.

Corellium, founded by CEO Amanda Gorton and iPhone security specialist Chris Wade, raised $25 million and expanded its team from six to sixty employees, diversifying into in-car software and virtual Android phones.

As of now, neither Apple nor Corellium has provided an official statement on the settlement, leaving the terms undisclosed.