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Calamu Technologies

Calamu Technologies

Calamu Technologies is a forward-thinking and innovative software company that has carved its niche in the realm of security software, specifically focusing on data-first security. It is recognized for its unique real-time security measures that safeguard data stored in the cloud against external threats like ransomware and data theft. The enterprise has also developed near infinite resilience, ensuring data accessibility even during security breaches or cloud outages.

The software-defined storage security and resiliency platform offered by Calamu is reputed for its distinct ability to secure data while still maintaining its accessibility. The patented "Data-first" security approach ensures protection of data by transforming the way it is stored in real-time, and making it immune to common vulnerabilities and threats. What sets Calamu apart is its feature of automatic sequestering of compromised data, following which it auto-heals, keeping data accessible to users and applications without downtime.

Opting for Calamu Technologies brings multiple benefits to the table. The company promises enhanced resilience, with data being accessible even amidst an attack. Its software intercepts suspicious activities and automatically sequesters compromised storage, thereby preventing extensive damage. Additionally, Calamu works seamlessly with preferred cloud storage solutions, offering quick and straightforward deployment.


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