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Cyber Guru

Cyber Guru

Cyber Guru, an Italy-based cybersecurity training company, has made a name for itself as one of the leading companies in the sphere of cybersecurity awareness. The company, boasting a plethora of resources including datasheets, blogs, webinars, podcasts and quizzes, aims to turn users across 62 countries into cyber-conscious internet users.

Their platform, widely recognized for its effectiveness, employs advanced androgogical technologies and methodologies to engage users and protect them from cyber risks. The core focus of Cyber Guru's training programs is on refining the three key defensive characteristics of an individual – knowledge, danger perception, and readiness, through their three methodological programs: cognitive, inductive, experiential.

As a forward-thinking company, Cyber Guru acknowledges that the human factor is the weak link in the world of cybersecurity, and hence their relentless focus on transforming user behavior to mitigate threats. Companies looking to augment their cyber defenses will find great value in their platform, findings it not only effective but also enjoyable, making the learning process for a complicated niche as cybersecurity smoother and more approachable.


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