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Ermetic is a cloud security corporation that offers a diversity of services concerning cloud-native application protection and management, initially existing as an independent operation before becoming Tenable Cloud Security. As a platform, it primarily functions by securing cloud infrastructure, identities, and workloads with an extensive list of products designed according to cloud security best practices.

Digging deeper into the particulars of Ermetic's modus operandi, the company incorporates holistic cloud security measures across AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. Its range of products includes those designed for the detection and remediation of misconfigurations and risks across multicloud workloads, automation of Kubernetes security and compliance, infrastructure as code (IaC) scanning, and a feature for delivering just-in-time cloud access.

In conclusion, Tenable Cloud Security, formerly known as Ermetic, presents itself as a dependable platform for comprehensive data and cloud security management. From securing the entitlements of identities in the cloud, mitigating compliance risks, to providing visibility and control over potentially exposed resources due to network misconfiguration, the company offers all-encompassing support for organizations operating within the cloud.


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