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Horangi Cyber Security is a leading technology company that specializes in cloud security and compliance solutions. The company, acquired by Bitdefender, is recognized as Asia's cloud security leader and also offers unlocking threat-informed innovation for faster and larger scale operations.

The unique product suite of Horangi covers a broad spectrum of the technological security needs with a range of features allowing detailed activity and threat investigation on a unified dashboard for its clients. Along with vulnerability remediation, the company also provides compliance automation to be audit-ready against many popular regulatory frameworks.

What sets Horangi apart is its commitment to continuous innovation and noise-reduction in the IT environments it safeguards. Testament to this dedication are the incoming testimonials of their clients, who report up to a 30% reduction of security alerts within a few months of using Horangi's flagship cloud protection tool, Warden. Furthermore, leading the inaugural Security Leaders ASEAN Awards and providing compliance automation for Huawei Cloud are proof that Horangi is continually at the forefront of technology and customer engagement.


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