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iLobby is a comprehensive software solutions provider specializing in facility and visitor management for enterprise level corporations. They amalgamate various key functionalities for efficient facility management, such as visitor tracking, evacuation management, security, delivery management, and office visit coordination.

At the core of iLobby's offerings are its specialized solutions - FacilityOS, VisitorOS, EmergencyOS, SecurityOS, DeliveryOS, and WorkforceOS; each system catering to the specific needs of an establishment. FacilityOS controls the on-ground procedures by digitalizing safety, security, compliance processes. VisitorOS streamlines visitor check-in with a keen focus on workplace safety and compliance. EmergencyOS plans and executes efficient evacuations during emergencies, while SecurityOS provides temporary access control and identification for visitors and contractors. DeliveryOS optimizes tracking, verifying, and managing package delivery.

As a global leader in enterprise-level facility and visitor management, iLobby's innovative software solutions help organizations to streamline processes, safeguard their premises, and maintain industry compliance. With integration capabilities that seamlessly streamline facility management with the tools already in use, iLobby eases everyday operations for businesses. Their platform ensures process automation that results in heightened efficiency, superior regulation adherence, thus, enhancing overall business productivity and safety. Their platform, trusted by over 1,000 enterprises, has garnered highly positive reviews for easy adoption and excellent support.


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