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Praetorian is a cybersecurity firm situated at the vanguard of offensive security. They pride themselves on putting customers' security first, seeking to stay several steps ahead of potential threats. With their unique preventative approach, they strive to shift from an "assume breach" mentality to a more proactive, "prevention-first" strategy.

This forward-thinking company provides a variety of services, ranging from penetration testing that locates and mitigates potential vulnerabilities, to advanced and continuous offensive security measures, which strengthen the customer's overall position in the face of potential adversary incursion. An inherent part of Praetorian services is Chariot, a proprietary, continuous offensive security platform, enabling automated security scanning to ease the burden of vulnerability management.

Praetorian's approach sets them apart from their counterparts in the cybersecurity industry, shifting the mindset from reactive security measures to proactive counteraction. Their commitment to customer success and satisfaction positions this company as an eminent partner for organizations seeking to level up their cybersecurity measures. Their work is highly praised by prominent companies like Samsung and Priceline, testifying to the firm’s value proposition.


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