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Right-Hand Cybersecurity

Right-Hand Cybersecurity

Right-Hand Cybersecurity is a leading company specializing in human risk management in the field of virtual security. Their scope of work extends to providing thorough Security Awareness Training, Phishing Simulations, Phishing Reporting, and Phishing Remediation.

The company’s main goal is to change the behavior of workforce to mitigate human cyber risks, focusing on the empowerment of employees so they can identify cyber threats promptly and respond decisively. Right-Hand Cybersecurity uses engaging and innovative methods to educate users, employing gamification and personalized content to not only captivate the audience but make sure the knowledge stays with them.

A key reason to consider Right-Hand Cybersecurity is their behavior-based training approach which is real-time and personal, aimed to correct cyber habits immediately. Their platform identifies employees who are most prone to risk and delivers targeted training to them, thereby reducing risk effectively.


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