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SailPoint is a leading technology company that specializes in identity security solutions, offering products designed to discover, manage, and secure access for all identity types across an organization. With a focus on operational efficiency, the company enables businesses to deal effectively with complex relationships with non-employees.

One of SailPoint's key offerings is their Non-Employee Risk Management product. It allows organizations to execute risk-based identity access and lifecycle strategies for its entire population of third-party non-employees, concurrently increasing operational efficiency and supporting regulatory compliance. It reduces risk by extending governance controls to all non-employee users, providing visibility and control to every non-employee identity via a centralized repository of mastered data.

SailPoint's Non-Employee Risk Management product should impress any organization seeking to improve operational efficiency, security, and compliance. It offers complete visibility into non-employee activities, streamlines non-employee onboarding, documents the non-employee lifecycle, and automates access provisioning to ensure productivity on day one.


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