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Viakoo, based in Mountain View, California, is an innovative and pioneering technology company specializing in enterprise Internet of Things (IoT) security. This company excels in providing robust enterprise IoT security solutions across various industries worldwide, assuring businesses and their consumers of optimal cyber hygiene and superior IoT security performance.

In the IoT landscape, Viakoo functions as a powerful security platform remedying over 1.3 billion hours on 1 million IoT devices from some of the world's largest and highly dispersed organizations. Viakoo's portfolio ranges from IoT Device Management Platform to IoT Device SSL/TLS Certificate Management, emphasizing their prowess in managing IoT devices for maximum risk management, cybersecurity, and OT/physical security.

Viakoo fosters an unparalleled trust environment through its array of features and solutions, all designed to mitigate cyber threats and enhance security compliances at any scale. This equates to reduced attack surface and enhanced enterprise value, which is crucial in today's interconnected world. Acclaimed as one of the top 10 coolest IoT security companies in 2022, Viakoo’s role in the IoT security ecosystem emphasizes the importance of their solution in the digital age.


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